A downloadable game

A father raises his newborn high with hope. His face turns dark in disappointment. Another girl. A gift for the mountain the midwife asks.

A young woman scans for sails of a homebound ship. Her hand on her belly betrays what is on her mind. When will you come she whispers to no one.

The face of a young man pressed hard into the arena sand. Tears of pain and shame sprout from his eyes. Yield he cries.

A mother sees the face of her son in a dream. Tomorrow the council decides. Old men sending young men to die. I deserve to be heard she mutters.

Four people about to make decisions that will define who they are for the rest of their lives.

The City is a steampunk drama about the choices we make to fit in. Can we be truly free and pursue our own happiness if it shatters what we have built around us?
 A tabletop roleplaying game for four players and one game master that plays in 3-4 hours.


city.pdf 1.2 MB

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